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Your Next Fifty

Jun 30, 2021

Welcome to our new series Women Playing Big: Amplifying Women's Voices

Why a new series showcasing the fantastic work by women around the globe?

Because sometimes we need a woman's inspiration to see what's possible.
Because sometimes we need to be reminded that it's not too late!
Because if she can do it, then I can do...

Jun 23, 2021

Silence is golden 'they' say!

It sure is when the world we live in is one of ACTION. We fill our days up with endless tasks, to-do lists, activities left-right-and centre.

Most people can not just BE with their thoughts for long.

What are we afraid of?

Are we hiding?

Are we truly not worthy enough to enjoy our own...

Jun 16, 2021

There are some really fantastic leaders out there. And then, there are the others. (I'm sure you've got someone in mind when I say that, correct?)

Which camp do you want to be in?

In today's episode Jenny and Sylvia chat about removing one of THE BIGGEST obstacles when it comes to effective leadership:


Join in the...

Jun 7, 2021


Do you love them or do you hate them? Do you find them difficult to put in place and enforce, or are they second nature to you?

In today's episode, you'll learn

1) The most common pitfalls people make when they set boundaries
2) How to define your boundaries and...
3) What to do when you (inevitably) get in...

Jun 3, 2021

You are 100% responsible for everything in your life. Agree or disagree?

Everything is a choice.

From feeling overwhelmed to feeling happy - you choose how you will feel and act every day!

Today on the podcast, we talk about the power of choice and how you can decide to transform your life when you start to...